January 7, 2013


Is it really time for new resolutions again? Oh man. I didn't even tackle last year's resolutions (oops).

But, I figure that a new year brings a fresh slate with it. So, I'm forgetting all of the resolutions I made last year and moving forward.

This year, I'm setting my goals relatively low for two really big reasons:
1. I have a 2 year old and a 1 year old. Enough said.
2. Our house is still under major construction and probably will be for most of this year.

I can't feasibly expect that in the middle of this I'll be able to tackle a long list of resolutions.

So, with that said, here are my 3 goals for 2013:

1. Spend more time intentionally with the kiddos: do more crafts, cooking and baking, creating and playing. Cherish this time, really. And take a lot of pictures.

2. Finish the house and get it on the market by the end of this year. (Oh, that's a biggy.)

3. Cultivate a spirit of gratefulness using these Prayer and Blessings Jars. I will write at least 1 note per day for each jar.

And, that's it. That's all I think I can handle this year.

What are your resolutions?

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